
Tunngle invite to private network
Tunngle invite to private network

tunngle invite to private network

With out accessing your router you can easily tell if you are allowing echo requests or not If your server is still not listed in the server browser i would take a wild stab and guess that your router is blocking echo requests sometimes having a improper number(Region) for this cvar will cause your server to be unlisted Make sure this number is correct for the region you are hosting from. Look for the line 'sv_downloadregion' directly above it should be a explanation of the number system used for this cvar I first suggest opening your server.cfg file in your steam/steamapps/username/piratesvikingsandknightsii/pvkii/config IF you still receive problems with people locating your server on the list even after successfully setting up portforwarding. If you are the routers admin and need help with setting up portforwarding just ask and me or someone else will get back to you Notice the 27000-27015 ports require forwarding for all game traffick <- this is a list of the ports and the protocols used (udp /tcp) This is assuming you are the one with router access, if not, ask the router admin to set this up for you Portforwarding is a must for starting a server thats behind a router in a local network

Tunngle invite to private network